Welcome to the 6º Edition of the FOF meeting

The meeting began almost six years ago as an opportunity to join together astronomers working at IATE and OAC with their external collaborators in a friendly atmosphere.
After five yearly editions of FOF Meetings, the Meeting has gained enough maturity to grant particular focus on one more specific area of Astrophysics. As for FOF - 2016, the selected field is that of extragalactic astrophysics, large-scale structure and cosmology.
Nevertheless, we are glad to reserve proper room also to "satellite" sections, covering other areas of astronomy. This will allow participants to learn more on and get ideas from topics outside their main area of interest.
The meeting embraces the following subjects:- Large Scale Structure of the Universe. (Main Topic)
- Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy. (Main Topic)
- Interstellar Medium. (Satellite Topic)
- Stellar Astrophysics. (Satellite Topic)
- Celestial Mechanics. (Satellite Topic)
- Planetary Systems. (Satellite Topic)