Welcome to the second edition of the IATE Friends-of-Friends meeting!!!

The meeting is aimed at stretching the bounds between the astronomers that work at the IATE and their external collaborators, as well as sharing the state-of-the-art of works that are being developed by the IATE members.

As in its 1st edition, the meeting is held in the IATE headquarters in a relaxed and collaborative environment. The talks are split into two different modes: invited speakers' talks are meant to be a 45+15 minutes talk, while there will be several short talks of 15+5 minutes long.

The list of participants is here

Our invited speakers is here

any cuestion or suggest please sent an email to josenilocastellon [at] gmail.com

The Local organizing committee:
Diego Garcia Lambas
Viviana Vertazzi
Marcela Pacheco
Andrés Nicolás Ruiz
Ernesto Zurbriggen
Darío Graña
José Luis Nilo-Castellón
M. Eugenia Díaz-Gimenez