1st. Circular


The Organizing Committee of the Friends of Friends (FoF) annual meeting is pleased to announce that the registration for the XII edition of the event is open, and that it will be held from April 10 to April 14, 2023, at the Astronomical Observatory of the National University of Córdoba, in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. 

The FoF is a yearly international meeting jointly organized by the Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental (IATE, http://iate.oac.uncor.edu) and the Observatorio Astronómico de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (OAC, http://oac.unc.edu.ar). It aims to foster the interaction between members of the local and international astronomical communities to promote collaborative networks in a friendly atmosphere. 

The list of confirmed speakers is already on display at the meeting website http://fof.oac.uncor.edu/. Oral and poster contributions will be accepted, and there will be the possibility of holding parallel thematic workshops, provided there is a sufficient number of interested people.


Registration is free and is now open at http://fof.oac.uncor.edu/ .  We kindly ask you to complete the form before March 10, 2023. Our wish is to accept all submitted contributions; however, if the number of these is high, a selection might be necessary, which will be based on order of registration and thematic distribution. So register soon for an early confirmation!


Unfortunately, at this point we cannot offer financial assistance of any kind. Very limited support, however, could be available as the meeting date approaches. 


  • Registration opens: December 1, 2022 
  • Registration closes: March 10, 2023 
  • Meeting starts: April 10, 2023


We invite you to circulate this announcement among potentially interested colleagues and students. For any questions, please contact the Organizing Committee at  fof@observatorio.unc.edu.ar

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