Tuesday 29: You can register from 9:15 to 9:50 am in the hall of the Conference Room.

The Program: (This schedule is subject to change)

time Tuesday 29 Wednesday 30 Thursday 31 Friday 1

Laerte Sodré
Galaxy Evolution with Machine Learning

Omar López-Cruz
SCI-HI: Searching for the First Galaxies

Sergio Dasso
Coherent and large scale structures in the solar wind, their associated driven shocks, and effects on galactic cosmic rays
Sofía Cora
Evolution of Galaxy Properties: Metallicity and Colors
Federico Dávila Kurbán
The global environment of small galaxy groups
Carolina Villalón
Satellite accretion in a ΛCDM Universe
Ernesto Zurbriggen
MHD simulations of solar supra-arcade downflows including thermal conduction
11:00 Damián Mast
CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey
Fernanda Duplancic
Relative orientation of galaxy pairs in filaments
Carlos Donzelli
A New Method to Determine Blazar Redshifts
Leonardo Krap
Charge exchange and radiation pressure model for planetary winds. Case study HD209458b
11:20 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
11:50 Georgina Coldwell
Systematic search of extragalactic sources in the VVV survey area
Sebastián Gurovich
The present and future of the VVV survey
Mario Díaz
The birth of gravitational wave astronomy
Mario Melita
The origin of the ring system of asteroid (10199) Chariklo
Stefano Cristiani
The contribution of Quasars and Galaxies to the UV background

Rosa Domínguez Tenreiro
Some inputs on galaxy formation and its observational consequences
Tania Peñuela
GW150914 and the TOROS follow up
Octavio Guilera
Numerical methods in giant planet formation
12:50 Bruno Sanchez
A new data-pipeline approach
13:10 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
15:00 Giuseppe Murante
Simulating disk galaxies with a novel sub-grid prescription

Lilia Bassino
What can non-standard properties of globular cluster systems tell us on its host-galaxy formation?
Arianna Di Cintio
Distinguishing CDM from non standard DM models: the vital role of baryon physics
Ximena Ramos
Long-term hydrodynamical simulations of multiple-planet systems
15:20 Giuseppe Murante
A simple model for studying the influence of exoplanets climate on their habitability
15:40 David Algorry
Bar formation in simulated disc galaxies
Roger Cohen
Lifting the Veil: Galactic Bulge Globular Clusters with VVV, HST and More
Graeme Candlish
Exploring alternatives to LCDM through simulations
Gustavo Romero
Gravitational waves: history, detection, and prospects
16:00 Federico Stasyszyn
The Magnetic Universe through vector potential SPMHD simulations
Javier Minniti
Kinematics and metallicity of the Galactic Bulge with the GIBS survey
Mariano Dominguez
Looking for interactions between dark matter and photons
16:20 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
16:50 Gian Luigi Granato
The central structure of Intra-Cluster Medium: recent encouraging results from simulations.
María Fernanda Nievas
OB stars as laboratories for numerous astrophysical fields
Lucas Macri
Extragalactic variables and their application to cosmology
17:30 Laura Ceccarelli
The motion of emptiness

Carlos Mauricio Correa
Feasibility study of the Alcock-Paczyński cosmological test using cosmic voids


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